Posting Twitter dari Terminal

Alternatip klo ada apa2 atau gimn hajar saja pake terminal hehe gw praktek di ubuntu coba cek dan llihat dah secara seksama ;)

This one is for the command line junkies out there. By using cURL ( a client for getting files from servers), you can easily post your tweets to Twitter from the terminal window.
To install cURL:
  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Execute the following Terminal command:

    sudo apt-get install curl

  3. Input the administrative password.
With cURL installed, you can post to Twitter from the terminal window by using the following syntax:
curl -u yourusername:yourpassword -d status=”Your Message Here”
You will receive a response containing the XML coding for your post which acts as a confirmation that your post was submitted.

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